
A gap year that makes a difference – volunteering in Africa!

So, here I am at the CICD – College for International Co-operation and Development, and here it is a gap year that makes a difference – volunteering in Africa!

Do you want to be part of creating change and improve health and education for some of the poorest people on our planet?

Join in my team of “Development Instructors in Action” at College for International Co-operation and Development (CICD) in England!
For more info, don’t hesiatete to email me at cicd.volunteering@gmail.com
The 12 months programme includes:
5 months training and preparation
6 months voluntary work at a rural development project in Africa or India
1 months follow-up period / Camp Future
 We work together with Humana People to People, an organisation that runs projects in 12 countries in Africa as well as in different parts of India.
You can work with:
– Education of children and adults in Preschools, Primary schools and Teachers Training Colleges
– Training of youth in vocational schools
– Environment and water projects
– Food security – working with small scale farmers in Farmers Clubs to improve production in sustainable way
– Health campaigns: prevention of HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis
You don’t need previous experience or qualifications to join the programme.
You need to be minimum 18 years old, hold an EU passport, be hardworking and flexible…and ready for big challenges!
Course fees apply, to cover your training and food and accommodation while at CICD in England.
But – if you don’t have a lot of money – don’t give up! There are still places in our scholarship programme, in my Gaia Team – starting in April 2015.
During our 6 months in Africa or India our expenses (incl. pocketmoney) are covered by the organisation.
I’m waiting for your questions at: cicd.volunteering@gmail.com
Visit our website for more information: www.cicd-volunteerinafrica.org
And the site of Humana People to People: www.humana.org
I look forward to hear from you!
Mirella Ka
College for International Co-operation and Development (CICD)
Winestead Hall, Patrington
Hull HU12 0NP, England



Vive la France!

R.I.P. Charb, Cabu, Tignous et Wolinski


Mirella Ka. в "Бургас около мен"

    Mirella Ka. се включи в годишната фотографска изложба "Бургас около мен". Закачливото заглавие " :* " (т.е. дигитална целувка или емотикона) фокусира вниманието на зрителя към съвременното общуване. Ще успее ли дигиталното общуване да измести физическото? А дали вече това не е факт?! Всеки може да прецени сам за себе си дали живее реалния си живот или се е превърна в проекция на "себе си" в мрежата.

   Изложбата може да бъде разгледана в Културен център "Морско казино" - Бургас, зала "Георги Баев".

Мирела Караджова " :* "


4ème Salon ARBUSTES 2014

Mirella Ka. avec son tableau "Je m'appelle Francophone" 

C'est un autoportrait de l'auteur dont le visage manque de bouche et de nez. 
Le principal c'est le regard! Après ça, c'est la Tour Eiffel 
qui prend la place de la bouche. L'un des symboles les plus connus de la France
est construit par des phrases, écrites en Bulgare, par l'alphabet cyrilique...
La silhouette typographique raconte les faits les plus importants pour la Tour Eiffel:
"son hauteur de 312 m.  elle a 16 655 marches menant au sommet. elle pèse 10 100 tonnes.
elle avait été créée en 1889 pour l'Exposition internationale. son construction avait coûté 6,5 millions F.
il y avait 50 ingénieurs et designers, 100 personnes à fabriquer les pièces 
et 132 travailleurs à les assembler. elle reçoit 6 millions de touristes par année. 
c'est l'un des sites architecturaux les plus visités au monde.
elle avait été visité par plus de 200 millions de personnes.
Alexandre Gustave Eiffel"


 La 4ème édition du Salon ARBUSTES s’est à nouveau déroulé sous le patronage du
Ministre de la Culture et de la Communication.
Cette reconnaissance Ministérielle confirme pour ARBUSTES le statut de Grand Salon, et lui confère une position au niveau des plus grands salons actuels.

pour plus d'info, visitez www.arbustes.org

Le Salon Arbustes 2014

Mirella Ka. en compagnie de Françoise Frugier, sculpteur,
représentant le Salon d'AUTOMNE au SALON ARBUSTES

Christiane Ruiz-Jancovic, présidente et iniciatrice du concept Arbustes

Christiane Ruiz-Jancovic, présidente du Salon Arbustes
et Michel Vialay, le Maire de Mantes-la-Jolie

Mirella Ka. et Jean-Luc Leuleux, sculpteur et
participant professionnel au Salon Arbustes 

La Salle Agora de Mantes-la-Jolie acceuille le Salon Arbuste
 pour la 4ème année

Public et participants, jeunes et pofessionnels

Public et participants, jeunes et pofessionnels


8 международна творческа лаборатория на Държавен куклен театър - Стара Загора

Акция "Елате на театър". 
Това са няколко скици, които се родиха на прима-виста 
по време на 8 международна творческа лаборатория на 
Държавен куклен театър - Стара Загора и 
раждането на спектакъла "Страх" (работно заглавие).
Рисунките бяха размножени и разлепени на различни атрактивни 
и нетрадиционни места из града като 
пейки, стълбове, дървета, каменни плоскости, телефонни кабини и т.н. 
А цялостното ми впечатления за престоя ми в Стара Загора и Кукления театър
 можете да чуете по Радио Стара Загора на следния линк.

А това е афишът от лабораторията:


ART in Dimitrovgrad by Mirella Ka.


This is thе face of one of the best bularian actors ever - Apostol Karamitev.
I've been working for several months in the Municipal theatre in Dimitrovgrad (Bulgaria), 
that is named  Apostol Karamitev.
I'm proud that both me and him we were born in Burgas - the best city of living in Bulgaria 
(through a national investigation in 2010, 2012, 2013)

Born 17 October 1923 - Burgas, Bulgaria
Died November 9, 1973 (aged 50) - Sofia, Bulgaria



SWAN 2014 in Bulgaria

Welcome to the 
SWAN Festival Exhibition and Painting Performance in Bulgaria Mall, Sofia - from 17.00h to 19.00h
29th March 2014, 19h00 - cocktail starts.

         For the fourth consecutive year , Bulgaria is the only Balkan country that celebrates SWAN Day, celebrated in over 50 countries worldwide . 
      The paintings of  Mirella Ka., Kamellia Velkova, Kristina Simeonova, Milena Veneva, Elizabeth Petrova - Lisa, Ralitza Burova, Sylvia Pavlova, Elitsa Tzvetkova, Mariana Mateva, Bistra Kopanarova, Desislava Ivanova are already shining in the space on the first floor of Bulgaria Mall. 

        On the same day , between 17.00. and 19.00 immediately before the official cocktail ladies will showcase their talents to guests by painting the different parts of a picture that will be sent to the organization WomenArts in their headquarters, in California, USA.
        These active women and established professional artists will present the topic "How a woman sees herself through the eyes of an artist" plot of the paintings are self-portraits , portraits, female figures .

SWAN Festival all over the world.


Mirella Ka. about the Oscars 2014

Филмът "Гравитация" бе отличен със 7 награди "ОСКАР" !
Една от които за "Най-добри визуални ефекти"! 
Никой ли не забеляза, че през целия филм косата на Сандра Бълок е напълно статична ?!
Въпреки безкрайните и мятания в безтегловност във всички посоки, ни косъм не помръдва ! 
ОСКАР за "най-добри визуални ефекти" !
Освен статуетките, златна е и логиката холивудска !

* Създателите на филма можеха де се посъветват със следното видео.

 "Gravity" has been honored with 7 awards "Oscar" !
One of which is for "Best Visual Effects" !
Has not anyone noticed that throughout the film Sandra Bullock's hair stands static ?!
Despite the endless actress "flying" upside down, her hair does not move even for a second !
Oscar for "Best Visual Effects" !
Besides the statuettes, gold is the logic of Hollywood ...

* Those who have made the movie should have been watched this video.


Mirella Ka. в проекта "Картина от мнозина"

Mirella Ka. се включи в проекта "Картина от мнозина" с картините "Празник" и "Du monde".

"Du monde"
20 x 20 cm.
Mixed technique

20 x 20 cm.
Mixed technique


some details: